Here at EasyCare, we work hard to provide our customers with as much information as possible when it comes to our products, as well as hoof education. We believe that knowledge is power and our blog is an excellent resource, filled with tips for success.

2015 was full of new products, lots of information on hoof health, and product experiences shared by hoof care practitioners, customers, Team Easyboot members and the EasyCare staff team. We have paid attention to what you like, and here is a list of our top ten blogs for the year.

1. Laminitis And The Laminar Wedge: Take It Or Leave It – “Laminitis is one of the biggest hoof problems we can encounter.” Take a look at the debate about the laminar wedge and what to do with it.

2.  Six Things You Should Know About the Easyboot Cloud – “This robust boot exceeds the needs of therapeutic support and protection, whether it be a long trailer ride to an event, prolonged stalling situations on hard ground at horse shows, thin-soled horses, laminitic stages, abscesses, founder or recovery after tough work-outs. It can also be used to aid movement and reduce recovery time after injury or surgery.” This boot is changing the lives of many horses.

3.  The Truth About Equine Abscesses – “Hoof abscesses can be much more serious than most of us realize. Abscesses usually are misunderstood, misdiagnosed, mistreated and cause our horses unnecessary suffering, loss of use and too often loss of life. The following is a brief explanation of white line abscesses of the hoof wall.”  This was a two part blog and is filled with invaluable information.  Be sure to check out Part Two as well.

4.  How To Develop a Healthy Foot: Circulation It Is – “The circulation of the horse’s foot is critical to nourishing the tissues as well as being an integral part of the energy, shock and heat management system of the foot.” This is a facinating read.

5.  The EasyShoe Sport Maxed Out – “The only way to know how strong you are is to keep testing your limits.” See just how much you can get out of this popular EasyShoe.

6.  Retained Soles: Stop Polishing a Turd – “Next time you are looking at your bare hooves and see “nice, thick, healthy walls” but no connectivity to the sole, check and make sure you are not, in fact, dealing with a flare and a false sole.” This blog has great photos and lots of information.

7.  DHF Addressing Hoof Distortion: Slippering Heels – “There are many ideas surrounding how to address the back of the foot with our trim. Heels, bars, frog; some trimming techniques are more aggressive than others, recommending more or less removal of material.” Critical information here on different methods of heel trimming.

8.  Conditioning From the Ground Up – “Every step a horse takes can either build them up or break them down. Every serious rider is aware of the benefits of conditioning their horses bodies through regular work and play. Fewer are aware of the benefits of conditioning their hooves. Every time a horse takes a step there is also the potential for development or breakdown.” This is one of my personal favorites from the year.  A must-read for any horse owner.

9.  The Courage to Change – An equine massage therapist and hoof care practitioner shares her experience with change in this industry. “…it seemed so cruel to me that so many generations of horses had lived, and died on crippled feet. It seemed so unfair that they had a lesser quality of life simply because they were locked 24/7 onto steel shoes.”

10.  Slow Change Is Better Than No Change For the Equine Industry– There is nothing more consistent than change, and as Garrett Ford explains, it can be painful to watch the lack of change in this industry at times. Thank goodness he keeps pushing through with innovation and passion for our horsey friends.

Tina Ooley


CustomerService Representative

As a member of the EasyCare Customer Service Team, I am here to assist you in fitting and choosing the best hoof protection foryour horse. I believe in natural, holistic hoof care and its contribution to sound horses and happy riders.