Congratulations, Shannon! You won the photo contest this week!

Here’s what Shannon shared with us:

I went on vacation to Caney Mountain Horse Camp by Big Flat, Arkansas, a couple of months ago. We shod two of our mules, but we chose not to shoe my older mule as it affects the way she travels and I show her extensively.

I used Easyboot Epics on the days I rode her, and I was super impressed! Not only do the boots fit well, but they stayed on! We are very tough riders and the terrain was very difficult.

We only had one minor boot issue the whole time. One of the hind boots got pulled off in a tight space between rocks, but it stayed attached by the gaiter so it was no problem to dismount and put it back on when we got to a flat spot.

Those of us who ride mules have a tough time finding boots that fit. I also have some Easyboot Gloves that fit, as well, but the gaiters fit differently so I used the Epics on this trip. The Epic gaiter fits better, but the Glove fits slightly better than the Epic boots on the hoof, if that makes sense.

I’m a very happy customer, and I know a few friends who ride mules that are going to be looking your way for business. Thank you for all you do for the equine community and for your wonderful customer service.

Thanks for sharing with us, Shannon! 

You, too, can enter to win a coupon for 20% off of your entire order on the EasyCare website just like Shannon did! To be considered, please submit a photo of your horse(s) along with a brief description of the photo and why you love or would like to try EasyCare products. Please send photo submissions to: