Congratulations, Paula! You won the photo contest this week!

Here’s what Paula shared with us:

I got this 5-year-old mare over a year ago, and as soon as I bought her we pulled her shoes and fitted her for Easyboot Gloves. This picture was taken in December 2020 on our first trip to Arizona for the winter. I love the Easyboot Gloves and so do all of our horses. Thank you, EasyCare, for your dedication to horses and their hoof care!

Thanks for sharing with us, Paula! 

You, too, can enter to win a coupon for 20% off of your entire order on the EasyCare website just like Paula did! To be considered, please submit a photo of your horse(s) along with a brief description of the photo and why you love or would like to try EasyCare products. Please send photo submissions to: