…. And the barefoot performance transition for my big, grey gelding is on the right track! I say “barefoot performance” because the horse has been barefoot for some time, as in over a year. However, there is a difference in a barefoot horse, and a barefoot performance horse. Just like there is a difference in a pasture trim and a barefoot trim.

Speaking of trimming, how about those Easycare Webinars, eh? What a great idea! What an awesome resource! Thank you Kevin, Garrett and Duncan, for providing your expertise to us. It’s really exciting to have an interactive platform to learn and discuss these things. I hope they continue.
Quickly coming up is the 5th Annual Pink Flamingo Classic, which I’m sure I’ve mentioned one or ten times. Easycare has generously donated some goodies for the Breast Cancer Raffle, which has historically raised close to $5,000 to support breast cancer research. Of course this all ties in rather nicely with the “pink” theme near and dear to my heart!. An excuse to wear MORE PINK!! Yippeeeee!!!!
The hubs and I headed north to Pink Flamingo-ville last weekend, to help mark and check trail. While Replika was enjoying her last weekend of vay-cay after the 80 at Bandit, I loaded up Khopy. This horse has had a difficult time transitioning this spring and summer, despite the use of Easyboot Gloves religiously during training rides. He has grown almost a new hoof since February and is starting to walk much more comfortably across the gravel at home barefoot, and is moving REALLY WELL in Gloves during rides!

We did some marking on the most beautiful ten-mile trail, both of us in our Gloves, like normal. I have ridden this horse with and without athletic tape under the Gloves, having issues with neither way. As we were planning on doing a good twenty-five miles this day, and I knew we would be in and out of water, and up and down some pretty killer hills, I wrapped the foot with athletic tape. No biggie, and no problems for the whole ride.

After the ten-mile loop, we came back into camp, let the ponies eat, and headed back out on a fifteen-mile loop. First of all, this horse can FLY, I think it was just a matter of getting his feet right and actually putting him with a horse that pushed him to really move out. Man-oh-man, after having serious doubts about him, I am getting excited about him! I think the coolest thing is that he really takes care of himself. We actually stopped him from drinking at one point because it was almost excessive. Yikes! Never had to worry about that before!

Khopy taking his fair share of the river.
We did the fifteen-mile loop at a pretty good pace, really challenging the horse to move out and find his gears. Holy heck he’s got plenty that I haven’t seen yet! I never worry much anymore traveling down hard-pack dirt road at speed, because I know the foot is so protected in our Gloves. Neither Khopy or Robert’s horse had a problem all day in their Gloves. Once you get that fit down, they are just so reliable.

After the ride, I pulled boots and checked everyone’s pasterns. Like always, no rubs. Considering how well Khopy performed on our un-official LD, he is real close to being ready for his first endurance ride. As he does so well he does in his Gloves, I am planning on using them for his first ride. Shhhh, don’t tell him he’s looking at a 50 in a few weeks…
I will be going out to glue on Replika’s boots for the Pink Flamingo this weekend. I’m looking forward to using the Adhere Lock again. Hope everyone has a fantastic week, and catch up on those webinars if you missed them!
Happy Riding!
Amanda Washington
SW Idaho
Thanks for the tip on the interference boots!!