We have quite a bit of content about how to glue like a rock star. Everything from hoof prep to using different materials to modifying glue-ons for any situation. We even address aesthetics in our quest for gluing perfection. By now, you probably have gluing down. Keeping the shoes and boots on is no issue-the trouble is getting those things off.
EasyCare Elite Gluer and all around great guy Pete Van Rossum of Ramona, CA helped us out with some pictures of a quick and simple method for removing glue-ons. Thanks for the great photos, Pete!
Rasp through the cuffs and around the edges of the EasyShoe then rim or score the edge of the shoe with the edge of your rasp.
Using your pull-offs, start at the rear of the shoe and carefully roll it forward. Inching it along will ensure it’s just the shoe that comes off. Go slowly. Better leave that hoof wall on the horse where it belongs.
Once the shoe or boot is off, all you need to do is clean up the remaining adhesive and cuff material with your rasp and hoof buffer.
So there you have it. One pro’s method for getting unstuck without a fuss. Of course there is always more than one way to skin a cat. If you’d like to see more you might like Christoph Schork’s blog about removing the Easyboot Glue-Ons or Garrett Ford’s video showing two ways to remove EasyShoes.
If you’ve come up with a different way that works for you we want to know about it!
Debbie Schwiebert 800-447-8836 ext. 2224 or dschwiebert@easycareinc.com
Rebecca Balboni 800-447-8836 ext. 2232 or rbalboni@easycareinc.com
Secrets of the Savvy: your source for inside information on all things EasyCare. See you next month!