Can the Easyboot Glove handle the test on the trail? Can they handle the “ha ha you will never find me” boot sucking mud of Western Washington? A training mare and I put these boots to the test.
A variety of training is important in creating a well rounded horse. For the last few years, this mare had mostly been ridden in an indoor arena, now it was time to get back to work. This was the fist time I had used the Easyboot Glove, which are now my favorite boot. As hoof care practitioner and EasyCare dealer, I like to put the products I promote to the test. So on a chilly February day we hit the trail with the Easyboot Glove fitted to her front hooves.
You want me to do what? You do realize this is not flat, fluffy, sand, and where are my secure arena walls?
Can the Gloves handle this decline? Hey this isn’t flat either! Can we go home now?
No fear! Our trail mate on her trusty mare Dandy crossing the cold river. Dandy also wears the Easyboot Glove when needed, she has beautiful bare hooves that can usually handle the trail bootless.
How will the Easyboot Gloves do on this rocky road? They did great protecting the mares arena conditioned hooves.
The Easyboot Glove survived the test of boot sucking mud, rivers, rocky roads, steep slippery declines and uneven forest terrain. They also protected this mares arena conditioned feet. To successfully use the Glove, a good fit and trim are important. Incorrect fit and/or too long between trims can result in a lost boot. These photos were taken back in February 2011, and to this day the Easyboot Glove is still my favorite all purpose boot.
Amy Allen, Amy Allen Horsemanship