What began in an actual forge in a small suburb of Düsseldorf, Germany, quickly developed into a thriving farrier supply wholesale company at Düsseldorf Airport. Andreas Strohm, owner and heart and soul of Strohm Farrier Supplies, started out with only a handful of employees. Today, the company’s 30+ employees work daily to assist farriers, bare hoof trimmers, vets, and horse owners around the world.
Strohm began buying and selling EasyCare hoof boots in 2001. In fact, Strohm was one of the first dealers bringing alternative hoof protection to Germany. Like any progressive new idea, hoof boots struggled to gain footing against the traditional steel horseshoe. It seemed the equine industry, including farriers and their customers, were not ready yet. Interest in alternative hoof protection, boots, and plastic shoes finally skyrocketed in 2013. That level of demand has only continued to increase, and farriers, vets, and horse owners alike are more deliberate than ever in their choice of hoof protection.
“It is always a pleasure working with [EasyCare President] Garrett Ford and his staff,” said Andreas Strohm. “Everyone at EasyCare is professional, organized, easy to communicate with, friendly, and cheerful. Our work would be a piece of cake if every company was as professional as EasyCare.”
Tina Fettke is one of three Strohm employees who are specially trained in alternative hoof protection. In fact, most farriers and bare foot trimmers know to find her for expert advice. Tina recalls one of her favorite EasyCare stories:
“Elli, a little Shetty mare, had many periods of laminitis for a long time, and she even needed sedation for every fitting. The farrier came to me for advice on her and described Elli’s difficulties. I advised him to try the Easyboot Clouds, as they are, in my opinion, the best option for temporary hoof protection in a chronic state of laminitis. The farrier fitted the boots and suddenly Elli was able to walk around in her paddock again. The Clouds made Elli move painlessly. The farrier and the owner alike were, and still are, so happy! Now every morning Elli whinnies at her owners, raises her hooves directly to put on her boots, and then trots happily into her paddock.”
Strohm is proud to carry EasyCare’s full product line at our online store, www.strohm.de.
Many thanks to Strohm Farrier Supplies for being an EasyCare partner since 2001! We look forward to many more years working together to increase the quality of life for horses around the world.