There was a buzz in the air the first week of March. Hoof care professionals both near and far traveled to the much anticipated 2016 Pacific Hoof Care Practitioners Conference. More than seventy attendees converged in sunny San Diego, California for three days of fantastic information and comradery.
The event kicked off with Dr. Debra Taylor of Auburn University covering caudal hoof morphology, negative hoof angles and some cool ideas she shared on supporting the thin soled horse utilizing EasyCare’s Comfort Pads. Next up was Dr. Hilary Clayton who gave us an in depth look at the biomechanics of hoof to ground interaction and how this relates to lameness. She went on to cover sidedness in horses and hoof care professionals and recognizing it in both.
As the lectures came to a close that first day, things shifted to the evening’s festivities and the ever poplar Meet & Greet event. Co-sponsored by EasyCare; great food, drink and conversation along with a mother load of awesome raffle prizes made for a fun filled evening.
Day two had everyone loading up and heading out to Arroyo Del Mar, home to Steffen and Shannon Peters. Here Dr. Clayton continued her theme with a fantastic review of the dressage movements featuring a live demo with the famous Weltino’s Magic and rider Ehren Volk.
That afternoon Coralie Hughes from Indiana highlighted the work of the late Dr. Kerry Ridgway on identifing ulcers in the horse and a fantastic introduction to the Masterson Method. She gave us some great tips on easing those braces horses often exhibit as their hooves are being worked on.
Next on deck was none other than our fearless leader at EasyCare, owner, Garrett Ford. Garrett gave a run down of the features and demoed an application of new Easyboot Flip Flop. He also gave the group a glimpse into the future, showing prototypes of some of the latest technology that will be available later this year. Let me tell you, there was quite a frenzy around the new products table! Garrett also had the opportunity to apply a much anticipated prototype on a horse owned by Shannon Peters named Squishy. You may remember his story from an earlier blog post.
Sunday, day three, featured Carol Layton of Balanced Equine Nutrition who gave a fantastic presentation on equine nutrition and it’s effects on the horse. Joan Kulifay, owner of My Best Horse wrapped up the day giving insights on equine arthritis and lameness.
The event was a huge success and we congratulate the group and the amazing job the board and its members did to make it all come together. If you are a hoof care provider or aspire to be one, check out what the Pacific Hoof Care Practitioners have to offer. The organization is growing by leaps and bounds with members across the US and abroad. The PHCP is the place to be, not only for developing and honing your skills as as hoof care provider, they offer you the tools for solid business success. The results speak for themselves, their program consistently turns out some of the most respected individuals in the business!
Debbie Schwiebert
Vet Dealer & Hoof Care Practitioner Accounts
I manage the hoof care practitioner and veterinarian dealer accounts at EasyCare. An integral part of my job is to stay current in all areas of barefoot hoof care, which enables me to serve this vital group of EasyCare dealers at the next level.