My perfect horse boot would have to be one that goes on fast and easy, and is able to withstand all types of terrain. One that if the horse paws the ground will stay on and one that won’t cause any damage to the hoof.


When we go trail riding there is a lot of uneven ground. I stable my horse in the valley here in Saskatchewan, Canada, and there are a lot of hills and gravel roads so the footing changes all the time. We also do work in the arena and I’m a member of a precision drill team. The boot would have to look as if it ”belonged” on the horse… that you couldn’t notice it wasn’t on her.

Name: Laurie Stringer
City: Wolseley, Saskatchewan, Canada
Equine Discipline: Pleasure Riding
Favorite Boot: Original Easyboot

Editor’s Note: Take our Perfect Boot Questionnaire before March 15: click here.

Laurie submitted her story as part of the February Easyboot Facebook Contest. The winner will receive a free pair of Easyboots of their choice. If you’d like to submit your story to enter the contest, click here to go to our Facebook page and then click on the ‘We Love Our Fans’ tab for contest details and instructions on how to enter.