Here is a very good video to teach you how to take your horse’s vital signs and why this is so important to do. This important information could help you save an equine one day. You can be a great help to your vet by knowing and documenting this info ahead of time.
Watch as Dr. Janice Posnikoff, DVM of Southern California shares her knowledge with us.
If you practice recording the vitals, you can quickly learn what is normal for your horse and what is not. Along with the basics this video shows, Dr. Posnikoff checks for warmth in the hoof to alert you to any issue in the lower leg. This should also be part of your natural hoof care practices.
What items do you keep on hand to help your equine partner stay healthy?
Nancy Fredrick
EasyCare Office Manager
As the office manager, I make sure the general operations of the organization run smoothly and seamlessly from A to Z. I have been on the EasyCare team since 2001 and have first hand product knowledge as my horses are barefoot and booted.