This Hoof care practitioner Asa Nuttal sent me this fantastic shot of her and her horse Sirocco putting the Easyboot Gloves through the paces. She and her horse enjoyed some seriously rough terrain safe and secure in their protective Easycare hoof boots. Asa, writes, “This ride was at Red Rock national Park near Las Vegas NV where the wild Burros live. This was the only none rocky part of the ride! The entire trail is like a stair case of sharp rocks. My horse Sirocco played mountain goat for the day and did real well. We walked over some huge slabs of rocks with sand on them. I would not want to encounter this trail with metal horse shoes on the horse, not to mention we had a shear drop into a canyon on one side! What can say, I love the Easyboot Gloves! Easy to put on and then they stay on!”
Asa not only specializes in barefoot trimming she is an EasyCare dealer a member of AHA and Pacific Hoof Care Practitioners. Thanks for the feedback Asa!