Most ladies I know try and err on the long side when getting a new style or hair cut. They can always go shorter but they can’t glue it back on.
Trimming a hoof boot is the same way. The back of the Easyboot and Easyboot Glue-On can be custom trimmed to fit your horse and riding conditions. If you feel the need to trim a boot we recommend starting slow and going shorter if needed. Take it easy and fit the trimmed boot to the hoof has you go. You can’t add the trimmed material back and the more you trim the less heel protection the boot will have.

An Easyboot Glue-On before trimming. The heel portion on the sides and back of the shell come intact for protection and support.

The hoof boot shells can quickly be modified and trimmed for each hoof. Use a standard pair of kitchen snips to cut down the hoof boot shell.

Start with trimming a little. You can always go shorter.

Easyboots give you the option of more or less protection. You can always trim the shell and select less but unlike your hair it won’t grow back.
Garrett Ford
President & CEO
I have been President and CEO of EasyCare since 1993. My first area of focus for the company is in product development, and my goal is to design the perfect hoof boot for the barefoot horse.