You have decided that booting is right for you and your horse(s), but now you don’t know where to start. Here are some helpful factors to consider that will help you narrow down your options.
First and foremost, the shape of the horse’s hoof is the most important determining factor on which boot style will best fit.
Which category of boot you’re looking for is the next most important deciding factor. This is really a matter of personal preference.
Common determining factors include:
- The amount of riding you do per week. How many miles and/or hours are you riding?
- Will you be going through sand, deep mud, or water?
- What is the length of your horse’s trimming cycle?
- How are you planning to use hoof boots? For therapeutic purposes, riding, and/or turn out?
- Ease of application. Are you looking for the easiest option to get on and off? Are you willing to make adjustments to boot hardware?
Amount of Riding
Best options for 25 miles per week or less (pleasure riding/light riding):
Easyboot Trail Original or Easyboot Trail
Best options for 50 miles per week or more (more frequent, harder riding):
Easyboot Fury Heart or Easyboot Fury Sling
Note: Our therapy boots are NOT for riding. Padding can be added to most riding boots if extra cushion is needed. For Performance boots, use a 6mm pad so you don’t compromise the fit. For Pleasure riding, we recommend sizing up a size if you want to add a 12mm pad.
All of our Easyboots can work well in a variety of terrains. If you are riding in more extreme conditions or are spending the majority of your riding time in one of these terrain types, then check out these boot options.
Boots that work better or collect less debris if riding conditions are SANDY:
Easyboot Fury Heart or Easyboot Fury Sling
Boots that hold up well in WATER crossings and/or MUDDY conditions:
Easyboot Fury Heart or Easyboot Fury Sling
Easyboot Trail Original or Easyboot Trail
Length of Trimming Cycle
If you’re looking at performance boots (50 miles or more per week) a shorter, roughly 4-6 week trimming cycle is ideal.
If you’re looking at pleasure riding boots, there’s a little more wiggle room for a longer trimming cycle. We recommend a 6-8 week trimming cycle.
*These are only guidelines as climate and season will affect the speed and amount of hoof growth.
Therapy boots come with padding included and are great for a sore horse (or to help prevent a horse from becoming sore). Typically, they require smaller areas of turn out as they are not designed to handle a lot of play/movement.
Easyboot Cloud: Our most popular therapy option. This boot can often provide immediate relief, especially for a laminitic/foundered horse. It’s also great for long trailer rides. Can be used in light turn out (ideally in a paddock no larger than one acre).
Easyboot Rx: Great for short-term treatments (such as abscesses) or for horses that don’t need quite as much padding as the Cloud provides. Best with limited movement (ideally stall rest or a small pen).
Easyboot Zip: This boot is a hoof cover designed to be used only while the horse is tied and standing still. It’s great over a temporary bandage or to keep the hoof clean while prepping it for glue.
If you need a more durable turn out boot for THERAPY functions, add a comfort pad to one of these turn out boots:
Easyboot Trail Original or Easyboot Trail
Ease of Application
Easiest to adjust and apply: Easyboot Trail, Easyboot Trail Original, Easyboot Sneaker
Medium application strength needed: Easyboot Back Country, Old Mac’s G2
More difficult to adjust and apply: Easyboot Glove Soft, Easyboot Epic, Easyboot Fury line
*For those interested in the Easyboot Mini: this boot is durable enough for driving and other work, as well as for turn out. It can also accommodate a comfort pad, making it a good therapy option.
Have a question that wasn’t answered here? We’re here to help- just let us know!