“Here is a picture of my husband Buck and me at the Genito Trails trail ride this past weekend in Brodnax, Va. We are riding comfortably over gravel rocks in our Old Macs and EasyBoot Gloves.
As always, I had several people stop and ask me about the boots and was excited to educate them on Barefoot Horses and Hoof Boots. I gave out the EasyCare website address, so hopefully you will have added a few more interested riders to your newsletter.”
Sharon Dugan
Thanks to Sharon and Buck Dugan for sending a great picture showing the Old Mac’s G2 boots and the Easyboot Gloves in action. Sharon’s horse is wearing Old Mac’s G2s on all four hooves, while Buck’s horse has Old Mac’s G2s on the hinds and Easyboot Gloves on the front. This is proof that you can use a different style on fronts and hinds to accomodate the sizing needs of each horse. They are moving right out in the gravel and look as happy as their riders!
Nancy Fredrick
EasyCare Office Manager
As the office manager, I make sure the general operations of the organization run smoothly and seamlessly from A to Z. I have been on the EasyCare team since 2001 and have first hand product knowledge as my horses are barefoot and booted.