Here are the pictures from our Girl’s Horsey Weekend that we had last weekend. This is an annual event that a few of us in our area started. This year we had eight ladies and their horses join us. The picture above is of the entire group.

We went to Canaan Guesthouse Ranch in Tonasket, Washington. The weather was perfect and we had three days filled with great trail rides, good food and terrific friends. The horses were all perfect in every way. Out of the eight horses, five of them use EasyCare boots. The picture below is of the five booted horses.

Cindy Brannon with booted horses

Left to Right: Laurie on JD wearing Old Macs on the fronts only; Tammy on Sally wearing Epics on all fours; Cheryl on Helaina wearing Gloves on the fronts and Trails on the rears;  Cindy (me) on Hula wearing Gloves on the fronts and Trails on the rears; Patty on Sarena wearing Trails on the fronts only.

Our horses love their boots and so do we. I think a couple of the ladies, whose horses were wearing shoes, are going to be looking into boots as well. We climbed up and down mountains, on and off trails, crossed muddy creeks and played in the lake. All of the EasyCare boots performed great!

The pictures and story are from Cindy Brannon of James R Brannon Relation Foundation Horsemanship, an EasyCare Dealer, and you can find them at

Dee Reiter


Customer Service

When you call EasyCare, I’m one of the folks that will answer. I’m also one of the cowgirls in the group. (Heck no, I don’t show, I Rodeo!) When it comes to life’s adventures – never pull back on the reins, and remember: the world is best-viewed through the ears of a horse!