Written by Dan Schroeder, EasyCare’s HCP/Vet Dealer Representative
EasyCare recently traveled to Florida to bask in the warmth and sunshine, and to share the Versa Grip line of shoes. We were just south of Gainesville, and the weather couldn’t have been better. We want to extend a huge thank you to Madeline O’Connor and April Volling for hosting the event, and to everyone that attended. We had 20 attendees, and all were eager to learn about the Versa Grip nail-on, the 11 Finger Tabs, and the brand-new EasyShoe Versa Glue (not yet available for sale, but coming soon!).
This clinic was a little different than our past Versa Grip clinics. EasyCare unveiled the new Versa Glue shoe for attendees to handle and see it applied in person. To say that the new shoe was a crowd favorite would be an understatement. If you have seen any of Garrett’s videos on applying the shoe (such as the one below), I’m here to tell you it really is that easy (if not easier!) to apply.
We also demonstrated the application of the Versa Grip using nails, and using the 11 Finger
Tabs on the EasyShoe Versa Grip Light. As in many of the clinics, welding the tabs onto the shoe is always a crowd-pleaser. We had plenty of volunteers wanting to try their hand at welding, and to use super glue to apply the shoes to the horses.
Along with the demos and hands-on training, there were multiple conversations about using the shoes, product questions, and attendees sharing their experiences using the products. It always amazes me what a great group of hoof care professionals and horse owners we get to work with. I love all of the sharing and idea exchanges. There is no way you can attend a clinic without walking away with some new tools in your toolbox.
If you haven’t been to one of our Versa Grip clinics, keep an eye out for upcoming clinics. Our next event will be in Vermont. We will be posting the event details soon. If you are interested in hosting an event in your area, please let us know. We would love to meet you!