I recently had the pleasure of speaking to Elizabeth on the successful Conference they attended in Augusta, Maine. Thank You Elizabeth for sharing this with me.
Here is the information about the conference we exhibited and spoke at on January 16-17, 2010.
Richard and Elizabeth Lamb of Lamb’s Natural Hoof Care were invited to present at the recent 16th Annual Northeast Horseman’s Conference and Trade Show, held at the Augusta Civic Center in Augusta, Maine. This was the first time that a barefoot natural hoof care practitioner has presented at the conference. (Richard is a Certified Practitioner with the AANHCP and Elizabeth is a member of Team Easyboot.) It was quite an honor to have a 1.5 hour speaking slot beside such nationally known clinicians as Richard Shrake and Suzanne Sheppard/Bob Jeffreys, among others.
We also had a booth there for the 2 day meeting, along with approximately 55 other exhibitors. Not only was the booth so busy that we had trouble getting away to eat or get a photo of our booth, but our display of Easyboots caught alot of attention.
We had questions galore about how to use the boots and many people who indicated that they were finally getting interested in going barefoot with their horses because the boots had become so easy to use. I believe that if EasyCare had had a booth there that they would have been mobbed! You can see some of the information about the conference at http://www.nhcts.com/conference.html
In addition, Elizabeth wanted to report that they tried out the EasyBoot Gloves on an organized Memorial Day Trail Ride in 2009. The frost goes out of the ground rather late in northern Maine and we found ourselves unexpectedly hock deep in black, sucking peat mud on the ride. We had to continue in that muck for just about a mile to get out of it. My husband was riding in two-point position, staring down at the boots in wonder that they didn’t come off. He even started looking for more mud to test them out in. Not only that, but when we returned to the trailer after the ride, the boots came off with a loud sucking sound and we found them completely dry inside! NOW THAT’S PERFORMANCE!
Elizabeth J. Lamb
Senior Conference Director
Cambridge Healthtech Institute
Phone: 781-472-4736
Email: elamb@healthtech.com
Posted by Marcie Mendoza