Written by EasyCare Customer, Candice P. 

Anywhere from additional support on a lengthy haul, to increased comfort during a laminitic episode, the Easyboot Cloud is without a doubt the boot that will end your search.

While its primary role is to function as a therapy boot (not meant for riding), it is commonly used for light turnout sessions in areas less than one acre in size. I’ve found that people absolutely love their Easyboot Clouds for two primary reasons.

  1. They are extraordinarily easy to put on the hoof.
  2. They are extremely lightweight compared to other therapy boots. What horse enjoys walking around in boots that weigh five pounds each, especially while in pain?

I have personally witnessed horses growing more sole thickness after wearing the Clouds – to the point where the horses are no longer labeled “thin soled.” They are back to work and not taking one lame step! 

Horses with chronic abscesses that are turned out in Cloud boots have less frequent abscesses.

The Cloud boot allows the horse to be more comfortable almost immediately after the boot is applied to the hoof. It also encourages more movement, allowing the healing process to continue as blood is pumped into the hoof.

Horses of all ages can enjoy the comfort of Cloud boots!