The Easyboot and Easyboot Epic will be getting a face-lift in 2012.  EasyCare’s two best-selling hoof boots will get even better soon.

The goal of the face-lift will to pull several features of the Easyboot Glove into both the Easyboot and Easyboot designs.  Both will be more streamlined and closer fitting.  The weights will be trimmed and treads will be improved.

We are testing some of the new features now and hope to release the new designs before the summer of 2012.

One of the new buckle designs that is testing well has a lower profile buckle and rounded cable adjustments.

Easyboot Test Buckle
Easyboot Test Buckle

We think you are going to like the changes.  We will keep you posted.


Garrett Ford


President & CEO

I have been President and CEO of EasyCare since 1993. My first area of focus for the company is in product development, and my goal is to design the perfect hoof boot for the barefoot horse.