Hello, boot friends! My name is Mariah and I am delighted to post my first blog as an introductory member of the EasyCare team. I will be assisting the hoof boot community from the recently established EasyCare location in Durango, Colorado. I have just relocated to the area from rural northern Michigan. I am like a stall horse at pasture in my new residence!
I am a recent graduate of Mid Michigan Community College with an Associate’s Degree in Applied Sciences. I was fortunate enough to be born into a “horsey-lifestyle” and have primarily been a pleasure riding enthusiast. My Quarter Horse mare, Paycheck (pictured below), was green-broke when she was first brought home. She couldn’t trot a straight path and often bucked at the slightest spook. After many rides and a lot of obstacles, she has settled to become a sound horse. We were successful competitors on my high school equestrian team in events such as hunt seat equitation, jumping, and speed events.
My family residence has also been home to a couple of gaited horses. As riders, we appreciate the smooth ride, and benefit from their amble movements. My most rewarding style of riding has been saddle seat equitation on our Tennessee Walking Horse gelding, Shadow. I have enjoyed gaining insight into each style of riding I have been introduced to.
I plan to integrate my education and previous experience to contribute to the success of hoof boot users and EasyCare. To provide support to EasyCare’s customers, I have studied the anatomy, pathologies, and functions of the equine hoof. I am excited to share my skills with the EasyCare team and members of the horse world. Unfortunately, I couldn’t pinch enough pennies to bring a horse along on my adventure to start a new life in Colorado, but I am eager to become a horse owner again soon, and you can bet they will be barefoot and booted!
Mariah Reeves
Customer Service
As one of the customer service representatives, I am happy to help get your horse into the right boots. I promote holistic methods of equine care and will assist you with finding the perfect fit for horse and rider.