I am a 53 year old grandma who purchased a few horses two and a half years ago to theraputically heal my grandson. He is ADHD and riding has helped him to focus immensely. He is now in first grade and us getting straight ‘A’s (conduct included. We live in the brushy mountains of North Carolina and we ride at least three times a week. The terrain is very rough, steep, gravel, rocks, water, footbridges, etc. All of my horses are barefoot.

While riding at the Moses Cones estate in Blowing Rock, NC, I noticed my horse didn’t want to walk the trail: too much gravel. So I did some research and we went with Gloves. Best deicidion I ever made.
She goes through anything now and rides right where I want her to. She even surprised me and won a Trail Horse Challenge with both of my grandsons. First time ever. I will be booting the rest of my herd one at a time.
And by the way, name the new Gloves ‘Round A Bouts’ or ‘Rounders’.
Name: JC Bolton
City: Lenoir, NC
Equine Discipline: Trail
Favorite Boot: Easyboot Glove