Dear Sir I am writing to complain about your product “Goober Glue“. Recently, while removing your product “Glue Ons” from my horse’s feet after a period of a week, I peeled off a big glob of smelly glue and tossed it in the grass. My dog promptly ran up and ate it. Please ensure in the future that all glue products are fully digestible. Yours Sincerely |
Dear Sir I am writing to complain about your “Glue On” product. Recently I glued these boots onto my horses feet using a non-EasyCare-recommended gluing system. To my surprise, one boot came off within ten miles. Luckily I was carrying a spare “Glove” but because this product needs to fit very snugly imagine my dismay when I discovered that because of the amount of glue still attached to my horse’s foot, the Glove did not fit. Luckily, I was riding in Nevada so was able to make use of one of several unexpected rocks I found next to the trail to force the Glove into place. However, had I been riding in, say, the UAE where there are no rocks, what would I have done?? Please ensure in the future that all Gloves come supplied with a small, portable trail mallet in case of emergency need in an area where there are no rocks. Yours Sincerely |
Dear Sir I am writing to complain about your product “Stowaway Pommel Pack“. Whilst I was initially impressed by the concertina-type design of these packs, I have recently discovered that these packs are so big that you can fill them up to carry hundreds of lbs of gear. As a result, my welsh pony will be unable to move under the load. Please ensure in the future that all pommel packs are designed to be solely large enough to carry a lip salve, a hoofpick, and your truck keys to reduce the temptation to bring enough luggage to outfit a Himalayan expedition. Yours Sincerely |