What Does BPA-Free Mean?

If you are worried about Bisophenol A, a chemical compound found in plastic drink and food containers, you can rest assured that our plastic water bottles sold with our Stowaway Packs are BPA free.Thank...

Protective Hoof Boots & Forging

Sometimes we receive calls here at EasyCare that "he keeps pulling his front boots off" or "his hinds ripped the gaiters on the fronts." There are some issues that can affect a horse that...

“If the Glove Doesn’t Fit, You Must…

  ...pick a smaller one!"This Glove looks way too big. So we try next size smaller?Measuring with a shell a half size smaller, in this case  size 0, this one does not accommodate the heels...

I Wear Your Easyboot Trail

Welcome back iwearyourshirt.com peeps! We're giving away another $100 American Express gift card today, so read on for instructions on how to qualify for a Memorial Day to remember. Today is all about the...

Getting the Most Miles from Your Glue-Ons

Submitted by Tami RougeauUsing Easyboot Glue-Ons takes a bit of patience and practice. Once you get the hang of the application process though it is relatively easy.  It really helps if you have a...

Do These Boots Make My Foot Look Big?

Spring has sprung, and for most of us, the ride season is underway. Now that I've got Replika on her ride schedule, she requires very little in the way of conditioning or riding in...

The Hybrid Experiments Part 1

The following is an account of an experiment conducted by your average endurance rider using Easycare products. This may or may not be new information to anyone.What I like about Glue-On Easyboots I have found...

Green Grass and Laminitis

It's that time of year! The following is a blog from Dragonfly Saddlery in Sussex, England. It is so hilarious that I had to share it with you."Oh dear, another post which begins with...

Easyboot Trail: Week 3 of the Countdown

We are already at Week 3 of the Easyboot Trail launch countdown which means more images have been released.If you like to ride your horse on backcountry trails or if you like to take...

What Do You Think Is Happening With This Horse?

Take a look at the photos below and let us know what you think has happened to this horse and his once beautiful barefeet.Here is a bit of background on the horse.1.  The horse...