Competitor Hoof Boot Upgrade Program
With Summer coming to an end, you must have put many miles on your hoof boots by now. If you still haven't made the switch to Easyboots, or if you just have some competitor's...
Fill Your Truck; It’s A Sure Bet To Success
Hoof care practitioners agree the Fill Your Truck program is a sure bet for increasing your bottom line. If you haven't taken advantage of the program there is no time like the present. EasyCare is...
Summer 2011 Sneak Peek
By now everyone has probably heard that EasyCare has a new wide Glove boot coming in the Summer of 2011 - you want it - you got it , so bust a move! (sorry I got carried...
EasyCare at Equine Affaire Massachusetts
EquineAffaire serves horse people and the horse industry nationwide with annual events in Massachusetts, Ohio and California. Each exposition offers great opportunities to learn, shop and network. I was lucky enough to go to...
Gaiter Extensions Now Available
Do you find yourself struggling to fasten the Easygaiter of Easyboot Epics around your horses large pasterns? Gaiter Extensions are back in stock. This handy hoof boot accessory gives you the ability to extend...
EasyCare Stowaway Saddle Packs
Our Stowaway line is the most advanced innovation in “no-bounce” saddle pack design. Maximum storage with minimum bulk, these packs will work for every riding style. Most styles have room for up to four...
EasyCare Is Now Offering Super Fast!
It's here! Due to the many requests from hoof care practitioners for Vettec Super Fast we have now added it to our line up of Vettec products! Once thought of as only a horse shoer's tool; Super Fast has now...
Stay on the Cutting Edge!
EasyCare has always been the type of company that pushes innovation. We want to be the driving force behind education, change, advancement and thus a greater acceptance of alternative hoof care. One thing we...
EasyCare now has Mueller’s Tape!
EasyCare has picked up the Mueller 1 1/2" black tape for use with the Easyboot Glove hoof boots. The tape is used to provide extra staying power when a tighter fit is needed to...
NATRC proposed rule chages to allow hoof boots with gaiters!
EasyCare had the opportunity to speak at the NATRC National Board Meeting in Reno, Nevada over the February 18th weekend. We were asked to show the board members the new hoof boot styles that...