Spooktacular EasyShoes

In celebration of Halloween, EasyCare Customer, Kristen, designed these beautiful Versa Grip Octos. We love how they turned out! Kristen recently rode in a 50 mile endurance ride in this pair. They still have plenty...

Barefoot Transition at 31

Barefoot horse, Timothy, at 31 years of age can attest that one is never too old to go barefoot and booted. Timothy wore horseshoes all his life until last year. Diana Thompson tried taking him barefoot...

Seven Resets and Counting

Written by EasyCare Customer, Elizabeth S. Every time I apply this pair of Versa Grip Glues, I hear Forrest Gump in my head “Mama said they'd take me anywhere. She said they was my magic...

Results of the Versa Grip Octo Contest

Thank you to everyone who recently participated in the recent Versa Grip Octo Contest! We were blown away by all of the creative photos and videos of the Octo. In case you missed the results...

The EasyShoe Versa Grip Lineup

The EasyShoe Versa Grip is the new and improved version of the EasyShoe Versa that made its debut in 2019. All of the Versa Grip shoes feature an aggressive tread pattern, 12 nailing holes, a...

EasyShoe Race: First Aluminum Shoe of its Kind

Meet our latest performance horseshoe - the EasyShoe Race! Many horse owners and farriers utilize traditional aluminum horseshoes because of its lightweight qualities. Horses are able to move out and feel their best, which...

Put Your Best Foot Forward This Show Season

For many of us, show season has just begun or will be starting very soon! If you and your horse compete, EasyCare has hoof protection options for every horse and every discipline. With these...

Composite Glue-On Shoe Package with Casting

Written by Alicia Harlov from The Humble Hoof in South Hamilton, MA My business is nearly all barefoot rehabilitation with the use of boots and pads. I also work with the owner on changing the horse's...

How to Glue in Below Freezing Temperatures

We are often asked if our glue-on EasyShoes can be applied in below freezing temperatures. And most importantly, do the shoes stay on in below freezing temperatures? The answer is yes! While gluing in below...

Relief Is Just An Hour Away!

I recently posted about transition in my newest horse, Khopy. I decided to give him some longer-term support, by gluing on Easycare Glue-On Shells with Goober Glue. I trimmed him just a tad (backed up...