Easyboots on Parade

Submitted by Susan Gill, Team Easyboot 2011 MemberJuly 3rd was an eventful day, the culmination of months of planning for many people, starting with my mate Barry - Lt.Col. (Ret.) - a retired Australian...

Booting Spirit

Submitted by Barb Fenwick, Team Easyboot 2011 MemberThe reason I originally got into using boots was for my foundered horse Spirit. He is a TWH gelding and is 12 years old now and we...

Easyboot Trail and Gaited Horses

Do you ride a gaited horse? Have you been wondering how the new Easyboot Trail will work for your horse? Here is a first hand testament from an Easyboot Trail boot user.There are many...

I Wear Your Easyboot Trail

Welcome back iwearyourshirt.com peeps! We're giving away another $100 American Express gift card today, so read on for instructions on how to qualify for a Memorial Day to remember. Today is all about the...

The Easyboot Trail: What’s That All Aboot?

With my new Easyboot Trail boots in hand, I met my two riding pals on Sunday for a much needed trail ride. I tossed a box containing said boots to my friend Brenda and...

The Easyboot Trail. It’s Here.

Do you want to buy the Easyboot Trail today? You can. Nine partner dealers across the world are offering a seven-day advance sale of the boot. They've got it in stock and they're ready to...

Are You A Trail Rider? You Need to Know This

We've Built the World's Easiest Hoof Boot We're announcing today the upcoming date of April 25, 2011 for the launch of a new hoof boot called the Easyboot Trail. We design our boots with an intricate...


The most important detail to your customer purchasing their first set of EasyCare hoof boots is getting the proper measurements.  The graphic above shows where both the length and width measurements need to be...