Gaiter Rubs? Check Your Heel Height

Are you stumped by ongoing gaiter rubs or boot loss? Consider this: a hoof at the end of its trim cycle will almost always compromise boot fit.As much as we'd all like hoof boots...

In which I Ride Little and Often

This week Uno and I embarked upon Phase 2 of his suspensory injury rehab - once a day I have to ride him at a walk for 30 minutes on "firm, level ground". The 30 minutes a...

Same Shell, Different Experience

Written by EasyCare Product Specialist Jordan AndersonThe Easyboot Back Country and the Easyboot Glove Soft are often compared because they have the same base. Both styles are built on the Easyboot Glue-On shell. They...

Foxcatcher 25 in Maryland in Easyboot Gloves

I rode my new mare Twist in an LD in Maryland this weekend. It had rained a lot in the past month so there was quite a lot of mud. And in some places...

How Barefoot and Booting is Being Used in the Dressage Arena

Submitted by Sossity Gargiulo of Wild Hearts Hoof CareWhen Shannon Peters contacted me over 6 years ago about one of her Warmbloods in her dressage stables, she knew that a barefoot or booted approach...