Horse Rescue Moppett here. I’m the cute one with my friend the beautiful grey Horse Rescue Yasmin and the black Horse Rescue Carly. Our names will give you the clue that we have history but we are a happy place now.
One legacy of my past is founder, later diagnosed as IR, at the drop of a hat. The vet wanted to call it quits but my mum said no there must be another way to locking me up and having me on starvation diets or alternatively; well, you know what.
Lots of research led her learn about barefoot trimming and boots. Enter Andrew Bowe, The Barefoot Blacksmith, Duncan McLaughlin, trimmer extraordinaire, Carol Layton, nutrition guru and Mike Ware, boot supplier. These people considered a little companion pony was just as important as my ridden mates.
For the past three years, I have been happily accompanying HR Yasmin and HR Carly on trail rides, sometimes as club mascot for official rides or being out in front on single lane bush tracks. I even have my own set of metal yards for big away trips. I have Easyboot Epics, Yasmin and Carly have Easyboot Bares. Sometimes we don’t need them, but they are always in the saddle bags just in case. I have to wear a grazing muzzle during the day to limit my grass intake and nights are spent in a cosy stable and yard with special hay and dinner, but life is wonderful. Boots helped me get back in the game. Cheers HR Moppett.
Name: Johanna Yule
City: Windsor, New South Wales, Australia
Equine Discipline: Trail
Favorite Boot: Easyboot Epic