Well we have had several days of rain this week and our pastures are muddier than I have ever seen them. Then the sun came out and they graded the roads and they are hard as blacktop. I found out last fall I could not wash Grace’s ankles and boot her as she got bad rubs. I have been riding mostly barefoot as the roads have been soft. So today I thought I would boot her muddy ankles and go for a ride.
I brought her in and swept them off with a broom and booted her up. We did 16 miles at a good pace with a couple of miles of canter. I stopped part way just to check under them and she was fine. This is the furthest she has been this year in gloves. So for her I will just brush her off and go that way. How much easier could it be?

Afterwards I had a little trimming lesson. I am getting a better eye for seeing highs and lows. I did some rasping while my friend Melody Blittersdorf gave me direction. First off I ran the rasps over my fingers, Ouch! I don’t recommend that, it hurts. We practiced on one of our older stallions, he was pretty patient with me. I am still a bit lost with the terms but came away from the trim with a good feeling that as long as I keep trying I will learn it, and it will get easier. Gene Limlaw May you always ride a good horse
Name: Gene Limlaw
State: Vermont
Country: USA
Equine Discipline: Endurance
Favorite Boot: EasybootGlove