“Barefoot or shod?” The question many horse owners ask themselves when choosing hoof protection for their horse. Some horses may only need occasional hoof protection, say while riding. For these horses, hoof boots are a great option.
Other horses, however, may need 24/7 hoof protection. Here are the 3 factors that can determine if a horse needs to be shod.
1. Wear exceeds growth.
Does your horse ride long distances on rough terrain? Does your horse put in hard training miles? Do you ride or drive on roads?
2. Traction.
Do you ride on slick surfaces? Does your discipline require tactical movements, tight turns, and high speeds?
3. When balance cannot be achieved through the subtractive process of trimming.
Kristen Wertz of Wolverine Hoofcare utilizes EasyShoes to help Toby achieve balanced hooves.
“Toby is my own horse and though he seems okay when barefoot or in flat shoes, it’s clear that he is happiest when I shoe him in Performance N/Gs for refined balance due to his improved posture and movement.
When altering balance, be sure to read the horse’s comfort via movement and expression. For Toby, he tells us he is happier by trotting more often in his sand dry lot, showing a less choppy trot gait, and (when NOT balanced with N/Gs) his left fore medial toe pillar white line will bruise.