It all started 5 years ago with Global Endurance Training Center offering Hoof Care Clinics in conjunction with the yearly Fandango Endurance Event in Oreana, Idaho. In the first year I focused on barefoot hoof trimming, then we added various Easyboot applications to it. We also showed other kind of available hoof protections, from Duplos to Old Macs, Sneakers and Equiflex Shoes, so everybody could make their own informed decision on what kind of hoof protection are most suitable for their horses hooves and needs. During the next couple of years we refined and improved the demonstrations, focused more on the Easyboot Gloves and Glue On applications. It is worth mentioning that throughout all these years, these clinics have always been free of charge and, on top of it, all participants were eligible to win in a raffle great prizes like Easyboots, saddlebags etc. EasyCare, GETC and Vettec Company have sponsored all of these clinics and provided great prizes for the raffle.
This year we concentrated on the application of EasyShoes. The workshop took place on the second day of the event, after most of the riders were back in camp.
Dave Rabe and I are planning the demonstrations together, while Emma is watching out for the arriving participants. Merri Melde wrote a nice story on us in her 2014 Owyhee Fandango summary on
Explaining the various tools necessary for successful applications.
What are the advantages of the EasyShoe? Everybody is curious.
About 30 attendees participated and took ample notes. After going through the various new models of EasyShoes and their best recommended usages, it was time to apply an EasyShoe to a live horse. I chose the Performance N/G for a gluing demo.
With the preparations and trimming completed, I roughed up the hoof walls from the side and from the sole level, using rasp and Dremel tool. By means of a gas torch, the hoof was dried and sanitized.
An Easyboot Trail was used to protect the clean and dry hoof from contamination while the EasyShoe was prepared.
Adhere, I also shared some nailing techniques. If you are inclined to learn more about nailing the EasyShoes, you may revisit my last month blog: Nailing for Performance.
Following the demonstrations, a raffle rounded out the symposium. EasyCare donated several pairs of EasyShoes, Global Endurance Training Center donated logbooks, saddle bags and Coldflex cooling wraps. Vettec sponsored the wine and cheese party in the evening.
Walking with Medinah during the vet check hold on day one. Medinah MHF is wearing the EasyShoe Performance. This horse won the 50-mile race and also won BC. More proof that EasyShoes are getting results.
From the Bootmeister
Christoph Schork, Global Endurance Center