Did you know that the gaiters on the Easyboot Glove 2016 fasten in a different way than on the prior model?
One of the things we saw over the years on the old style gaiter was rubbing from pressure in the middle where the two ends of the gaiter came together at the front of the pastern. It seemed to happen a little more in the winter when the hair was longer, coarser, and more prone to abrasion.
We have eliminated that concern with the new design, but it’s important to know that the gaiter attaches differently. Just follow these four simple steps to gaiter attachment success.
1. Pull the side of the gaiter with the loop (fuzzy side of the hook and loop) tightly around the pastern. Notice the end is long and will not be in the center.
2. Pull the side of the gaiter with the hook (rough side of the hook and loop) tightly. This will overlap the first part of the gaiter that is now against the pastern.
3. Fasten the loop strap.
4. Pull the hook side over the loop strap.
To see more information about this important new design update, please see Garrett Ford’s announcement blog. To see more about product information, please visit the EasyCare website or download the Easyboot Glove 2016 application guide.
Easyboot Glove 2016 Application Guide PDF.
Kevin Myers
I am responsible for the marketing and branding of the EasyCare product line. I believe there is a great deal to be gained from the strategy of using booted protection for horses, no matter what the job you have for your horse.