It’s OK – the EasyCare May 2010 Newsletter isn’t being sent out until Tuesday, May 4, and that means if you are not yet subscribed there’s still time for you to sign up. It can be conveniently delivered to your email inbox next week.

This month’s newsletter contatins articles you won’t be able to read anywhere else, including a new monthly feature by Garrett Ford in which he will share insights about the EasyCare product line and philosophies. The effervescent Duncan McLaughlin writes this month about the benefits to equine performance from passive stretch exercises. Heather and Jeremy Reynolds discuss Sir Smith’s recent win and Best Condition award at the Git ‘R’ Done 100 mile FEI race as well as their strategy leading up to the World Equestian Games.

This month’s Customer Photo comes all the way from Kent, England, with the most heartwarming story you could hope for. We also feature a story on our May Dealer of the Month, our new Did You Know section and news of the latest EasyCare staff member to join the team.

So sign up today and get on the list!

Kevin Myers


Director of Marketing

I am responsible for the marketing and branding of the EasyCare product line. I believe there is a great deal to be gained from the strategy of using booted protection for horses, no matter what the job you have for your equine partner.